This is ridiculously hurtful...I opened up the Star's website in search of a part time job and they show me...SINGAPORE AIRLINES' CABIN CREW RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENT! Could I roll over and cry my eyeballs out right now? That's like telling a person who's on a diet that there's chocolate in the fridge!
Sigh...truth be told, I feel extremely down right now. It's my dream job right here...sitting in front of me with a golden opportunity just being placed and advertised; open to the public to view; open to the public to test their luck and to go for gold. I couldn't help myself but to click on the button that said "application form". I didn't need to. I WANTED to though I don't know why I did it. I already have the damn form ready in my room anyway. It's stuck on my wall, for me to look at every single morning when I get dressed. It's a reminder that THIS is what I'm working for. THIS is what I'm striving for. THIS is what's in store for me in the future.
Fly with me, peeps. I know it's tough to imagine me in a stewardess uniform but just TRY to will you? And for those who have better qualities in them...and you're thinking that this should be your path too, feel free to visit the Singapore Airlines (KrisFlyer) website. All you have to do is click here and read through. Good luck to you. :)
[Edit] Happy April's Fool, peeps. I should stress however that this isn't a prank. SQ really IS hiring!
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