Press Freedom Day - May 3rd 2012

By Elie - 4:00 PM

So, just in case you haven't seen that I wrote about the BERSIH 3.0 rally that happened on the 28th of April 2012, click HERE because...just because!

You see, it was funny that there were reports stating that the police decided to oppress the freedom of the media in order to write and give us an inside scoop of what had happened right there and then! And now, because of that the secretary-general of DAP, Lim Guan Eng has encouraged for the public to don a black shirt in support for freedom in press.

Hence, Press Freedom Day came to light on the 3rd of May 2012. Being a part of media after all, HOW COULD I NOT SUPPORT THIS ACTIVITY!

Press Freedom for all! We deserve to know! :)

Now there you have it! A little collection of me in a black shirt for today! Let us have freedom to speak, to report and to tell the public what they deserve to know. This is our rights, this is our liberty and this is what we want. This is what we'd all like. To have freedom to speak, to express our feelings and to be heard loud and clear on our requests. Listen to us before you decide on anything else. We're the ones who hold the future anyway isn't it? So wouldn't that mean it's time for us to shine and to be heard?

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