Happy 6th Birthday, Nuffnang

By Elie - 2:59 PM

In all honesty, I am actually trying to get down to completing my 30 Days Challenge and yet my attention span; just as I am studying for an exam, does not allow for that to happen. I mean, I would sit in front of the laptop and suddenly 9gag is just hilarious...even when I've already read through everything. But I WILL finish it! Eventually.

Anyway, I also realize that I've stopped talking about Nuffnang as my weekly update not because I have been fired but simply because I treasure my sleep so much more than to be doing a weekly update. Read the paragraph above if you would like to know more. But then again, today's a special day for Nuffnang and I thought it would have been nice if I could just share a *tiny* slice of glory to this news. That's right, peeps. It's Nuffnang's 6th birthday!

Work started out pretty good today, considering I got there a little earlier than usual because the train was on turbo or something. Either that or the driver just had some bowel issues and really needed to go pee. It was just fast. And the first thing I did was to open up my TweetDeck only to see a whole stretch of people wishing Nuffnang on their own timeline. I found it extremely fascinating seeing as that Nuffnang is a company, a brand, a community and yet there were so many people wishing us as though Nuffnang was human.

And if that wasn't enough, we're all tearing our hair out in the office ironing out little details for Nuffnang's 6th Birthday Bash happening on Saturday which also makes it my first time in a club...unofficially. So just as a recap, everyone was put in the meeting room and our boss put us all on a trip down memory lane from the beginning of Nuffnang to what it was today. I have to say, I was secretly impressed at how he had found all that strength and positivity to turn a debt and everything borrowed into something as amazing as it is today. Oh but he did thank his parents and friends who helped him all along a lot so I presume that it just works that way. His stories for Nuffnang were funny and most of them impressive...at least for the fresh grad in me it felt impressive. Everybody go stalk my boss for those stories especially them young punks thinking they could achieve gold. You can...but you'll first have to hit some tough rocks.

Anyway just to top it off, I just wanted to give my internship company a shout out and say "Happy 6th Birthday, Nuffnang!" I'm happy to be an intern here and I'm bloody glad that I've been picked out from a whole stack of other CVs that never made it. It's like the scene from "The 3 Idiots" and I'm the surviving egg of the koel bird's nest.

And for that...it's worth the fight.
Sue Ann and Shah missing because they preferred Ichiban Boshi ah!

It's a nice picture except Sue Ann and Shah were missing because they had to get some work stuff done. Boo! Someday I'll have a better picture of myself with this short team of 3 months. Maybe when I leave...

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