Seeking Singapore: Imaginarium, To The Ends of the Earth

By Elie - 7:00 AM

Days since my last post: 4

I'm back with more art! Perhaps befitting to the theme of why we made the trip to Singapore, my other half had found us yet another art exhibition to visit on the day we had to leave! When he first explained it to me however, I had my qualms because it sounded ridiculously out of the world... which was possibly what Imaginarium, To The Ends of the Earth was trying to achieve anyway!

For one, it was contemporary art.
The Floating Mountain

To start, every piece of art exhibition at Imaginarium was meant to be contemporary art which meant you needed quite a bit of an eye for art to truly enjoy yourself in there. Pieces included the Floating Mountains as above, and were made entirely of paper marche and some sort of fluffy being. At most exhibits you would be told not to mishandle them as they can be quite fragile, and this was quite the case. 

Tuning into art.

At other exhibits however, you would be expected to bend down low and seek out little pinholes of recordings that explains the art better. It was quite a hilarious sight looking at people lie their heads down for a listen at the art exhibits... as per what my other half did.

Spot the imposter!

I found the creepiest piece of all and made him take a picture with it.

Like the pieces above however, they were created out of the artists' dreams and the point of understanding art had gone way beyond me that all I could do was stop and stare, then move away. My other half had quite a good time there however, so I'm not sure if I could officially classify him as a weird man now. 

I especially loved these woolies! 

I for one however, really liked these woolies by the corner of one of the exhibits known as Lizard Tail and so I insisted for a picture here. The back story of this however was that visitors were welcome to make woolies of their own, pouring in all their emotions into it and then adding on to the exhibit so it continues to grow and hopefully by the end of it all, you would feel much better after creating a woolie. 

Print out selfies are the best!

To end the visit, we got into a print out selfie machine for SGD 2 that gave us 2 prints and I couldn't have been happier! It felt like the only souvenir we brought home from this trip, but the memories made were also endless and truly enjoyable to no ends. Tickets to Imaginarium costs SGD 6 each with no special tourist discounts, but it's free entry if you're a Singaporean! The exhibition ends on the 27th of August 2017 so if you're still game for it, then be sure to head down to the Singapore Art Museum!

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