Happy Daddy's Day...again.

By Elie - 6:00 PM

Every year, I would find myself writing 4 blog posts for both my parents; one for their birthday and one for mother's or father's day respectively. This year I've done 3 and tonight I'm writing the fourth piece of the year! It may feel pretty unnecessary to some people, knowing that these pieces would probably all just read the same and brings out the same things but what they can't see is that sometimes it's difficult to be a grown up and yet you blurt out such things to your old folks. There's a different feeling in putting it out in words and another feeling when you say it out with your mouth.

For me, I do both. Obviously though, I still find myself writing these pieces down without fail because I feel like I owe them more than just a word of "I love you" by mouth. They deserve a recognition for being my parents and especially for doing a great job at it.

I usually post up really flattering pictures of my parents but I did not take pictures with my father today so this half-asleep picture of him will have to do for this year's post.

Dear daddy,

Every year I would say the same thing. I would thank you for driving me around, for waiting for me regardless how long I take (even when I always just say 5 minutes and it turns into half an hour), for scolding me and complimenting me, for teaching me and guiding me, for taking care of me and making sure I'm always safe and for always telling me to "be careful" even if I'm just going to be in college all day long doing boring stuff. Like studying.

This year has been a great year of change, with me going for my internship and learning how to take the public transport, learning how to be a better driver and taking the car all the way to KL without knowing my roads prior to the trip and with me finishing up my studies in two months time. I know that you're not getting any younger just as I am not REALLY getting any older. I know it, you know it and probably everyone else in the family knows it.

It must have been torture for the three months while I was in Nuffnang that you had to wake up at 6.30 AM to fetch me out then wait till 8 PM to fetch me home. But it must have been even more a torture wondering if I was doing fine alone in the public transport amidst the foreigners and the dangers lurking. It must have killed you to worry about how I would probably fall asleep in the KTM and miss my stop or have my iPod on too loud then miss the announcements. The mental and physical strains were there, but you never showed it. You are my daddy, forever checking up on me and asking if I were safe.

So thank you for everything THIS year daddy. The past years were gone, the coming years are not here yet. I don't know the wonders and the miracles you would shine on me to come and I love you everyday for the days that has passed. This year, this post is out to you. Thank you for everything, my superman. You don't need your underwear on the outside though. Keep them in your pants, thanks. I'd always be your little girl, even when I'm 50 and I have wrinkles on my butt so just be prepared that I will sit on your lap even then...my superman.

You're the most awesome daddy anyone could possibly ask for...and you're MY daddy.

I love you.

P/S: I failed to get you a phone as your present...so how about some beers and a phone cover instead?

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